Service Typically Completed Within 14 Minutes.
7 Points of ID Verification & a Signed Proof of Service

Detailed Documentation
ServeAI delivers a proof of service that requires a signature from the recipient. In addition, our software checks 7 points of ID Verification and will deliver those all as part of our Affidavit.

Service Delivery
Unlike our other serves, this serve can happen same day and completely electronically. It reduces time of serve from an average of 5 days down to 14 minutes.

ID Verification
Our software will immediatley provide a skip trace that includes 7 points of ID Verification. Allowing you to provide the court a comprehensive proof of identity.

Secondary Service
ServeAI is a great option for Secondary Service or Special Approval service. If you are having trouble serving an individual, this could be a great way to get them the docs. Our software always has a proof of delivery and pushes for a proof of service.